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Worcester Show Entry Form
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Worcester Show Entry Form
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Worcester Show Entry Form
Worcester Show Entry Form
Andy Burton
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Worcester Show Entry Form (excluding Schools Competition)
Please use a separate entry form for each individual competitor. If more than one person is entering from the same address, each person must submit their own form, including children. Please read the schedule carefully and remember that all entry forms must be submitted no later than 10am on Monday 4 August 2025. SCHOOLS Competition entries, please use the School Competition Application Form on the Schools tab.
First Name
Last Name
Age of child competitor on 10 August 2025
Total number of entries
Please select the Sections you wish to enter
Cacti & Succulents
Vegetables & Fruit
Giant Vegetables
Floral Decorations / Art
Cakes & Bakes
Fun & Creativity (Up to 11 years)
Youth Skills & Creativity (12 to 17 years)
Section 1 Floral - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 101 - One vase of mixed flowering stems, containing a total of between 5 and 10, taken from a minimum of two different kinds of plants.
Class 102 - Rose, one vase, one stem
Class 103 - Rose, one vase, one stem, scented
Class 104 - Gladioli, one vase, one spike
Class 105 - Three decorative Dahlias in one container
Class 106 - Three cactus or semi cactus Dahlias in one container
Class 107 - Three Pompon Dahlias in one container
Class 108 - A container of mixed Dahlias, not less than six blooms, not more than twelve blooms
Class 109 - One bonsai tree
Class 110 - Foliage pot plant (pot not to exceed 250mm across rim)
Class 111 - Flowering pot plant (pot not to exceed 250mm across rim)
Class 112 - One single stem of your choice (not to include added foliage)
Class 113 - A growing pot of flowering annuals (pot no larger than 250mm)
Class 114 - A terrarium
Class 115 - One vase of flowers to include foliage, arranged for decorative effect
Section 2 Cacti & Succulents - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 201 - One Cactus or succulent in flower, bud or fruit
Class 202 - One cactus (unlimited pot size)
Class 203 - One succulent (unlimited pot size)
Class 204 - Three pots cacti (pots not exceeding 150mm across rim)
Class 205 - Three pots succulents (pots not exceeding 150mm across rim)
Class 206 - One cristate or monstrose or variegated cactus or succulent
Section 3 Vegetables & Fruit - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 301 - Seasonal display of three distinct kinds of vegetable
Class 302 - Seasonal display of three distinct kinds of salad vegetables
Class 303 - Six different cut herbs in individual containers (space not to exceed 300 x 300mm). Herbs should be labelled.
Class 304 - Beetroot, three in total
Class 305 - Carrots, three
Class 306 - Beans, Runner, six pods
Class 307 - Beans, French, six pods
Class 308 - Cabbage, one
Class 309 - Cucumber, two
Class 310 - Onions, three, 250g and over
Class 311 - Onions, three, under 250g
Class 312 - Potatoes, white, five, one variety
Class 313 - Potatoes, coloured, five, one variety
Class 314 - Tomatoes, five
Class 315 - Tomatoes, six, small fruited and cherry cultivars
Class 316 - Courgettes, two, between 100-200mm, with flowers
Class 317 - Garlic globes, three
Class 318 - Marrows, matching pair
Class 319 - Any other vegetable not included above, two
Class 320 - Any combination of three fruits
Class 321 - Growing herbs or vegetable in an unusual container (not to exceed 210 x 297mm)
Class 322 - ‘My Busy Allotment’ Competition - An arrangement to reflect a productive British allotment, designed in either a trug or basket. To consist of a mix of flowers, fruit and vegetables
Class 323 - A collection of three types of vegetables taken from the following list, the required quantity of each vegetable is given in brackets: carrots (3), cauliflower(2), onions (3) parsnips (3), peas (6 pods) potatoes (3), runner beans (6 pods), tomatoes (6), french beans (6 pods), sweetcorn (2), pepper (3), cucumber (2), courgette (3), red beet (3), aubergine (2).
Section 4 Giant Vegetables - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 401 - Runner bean, longest
Class 402 - Carrot, longest
Class 403 - Marrow, heaviest
Class 404 - Cabbage, heaviest
Class 405 - Cucumber, heaviest
Class 406 - Onion, heaviest
Section 5 Floral Decorations / Art - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 501 - A 90s inspired bouquet displayed in a wide necked weighted container. Accessories permitted.
Class 502 - Something Old - A petite arrangement between 17cm and 25cm in width and depth, no taller than 37cm.
Class 503 - A decorated hat
Class 504 - A pressed flower display
Class 505 - A pedestal arrangement (please specify on application whether it is table or floor mounted). Must be on a raised platform or container.
Class 506 - NOVICE CLASS A table arrangement including a candle (unlit)
Section 6 Cakes & Bakes - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 601 - A Tea Loaf, recipe to be displayed with loaf.
Class 602 - One Victoria sandwich cake (raspberry jam filling, caster sugar dusting and using a sponge tin no larger than 200mm diameter). Recipe to be stated. (250mm max overall display size)
Class 603 - Cake for a special diet (max size 200mm diameter, 250mm max overall display size). Special diet to be displayed and recipe stated.
Class 604 - Six sweet scones (250mm max overall display size).
Class 605 - Six savoury scones (250mm max overall display size).
Class 606 - A box of sweet cookies. Presented as a gift but able to be opened for judging, with two extra pieces for tasting.
Class 607 - A decorative container of homemade confectionary with two extra on a plate for tasting.
Class 608 - Six decorated cup cakes (to be judged on both taste and decoration)
Class 609 - A batch of six brown rolls or six white rolls
Class 610 - A fancy loaf, decorated or shaped
Class 611 - A dessert incorporating pastry. State whether pastry is home made or shop bought.
Class 612 - A savoury pastry. State whether pastry is home made or shop bought.
Class 613 - Six identical jam tarts. State whether jam is home made or shop bought.
Section 7 Preserves - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 701 - One jar of strawberry jam (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 702 - One jar of raspberry jam (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 703 - One jar of any other jam (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 704 - One jar of fruit jelly (jars no smaller than 227g (8ozs))
Class 705 - One jar of fruit marmalade (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 706 - One jar of lemon curd (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 707 - One jar of chutney, any kind (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 708 - One jar of preserved vegetables, including pickled or fermented, any kind (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 709 - A flavoured oil, infused for a minimum of three months before showing. Please state the date when made on the label.
Class 710 - Any homemade alcoholic beverage. Please state type and date bottled on the label.
Section 8 Art - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 801 - A painting using oil or acrylics(not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 802 - A painting using watercolours (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 803 - A painting using mixed media (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 804 - A picture, pastels/pencils/charcoal (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 805 - A cartoon or anime, to include a strip or individual image
Class 806 - Recreate a painting from a famous artist
Class 807 - A painting inspired by 90s rave culture! Any medium, go wild! (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 808 - A Sculpture, any medium (base not to exceed 610mm x 610mm)
Section 9 Handicraft - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 901 - Handmade toy, suitable for a child under the age of eleven, using any medium
Class 902 - A woodwork or metal work item
Class 903 - Any hand-knitted child’s garment
Class 904 - Any hand-knitted adult’s garment
Class 905 - Any hand-knitted accessory
Class 906 - Any crochet garment
Class 907 - Any crochet accessory
Class 908 - Item of jewellery, any medium
Class 909 - Quilt/quilted item (display folded)
Class 910 - Any embroidery item, framed or unframed
Class 911 - A small framed cross stitch item, anything smaller than A4.
Class 912 - A large framed cross stitch item, anything A4 or bigger.
Class 913 - One child’s garment, sewn by hand or machine
Class 914 - A felted item, needle/wet/mixed
Class 915 - A print craft e.g. silk screen, lino cut, wood block
Class 916 - A papercraft item
Class 917 - A thrift item – articles must be made from scraps, oddments and anything else which would otherwise be thrown away. Must state original item/s and previous use
Class 918 - A visibly mended item - make a feature of your beautifully scarred items
Class 919 - Miscellaneous craft, anything made by hand which cannot be entered in any of the above classes
Class 920 - New An upcycled or embellished item of clothing (not to exceed 610mm overall)
Class 921 - A display of three items from three different crafts. Accessories may be used to enhance the display, but the items to be judged must be listed or individually titled.
Section 10 Photography - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 1001 - A crowd shot
Class 1002 - An action shot (an image capturing movement)
Class 1003 - Macro (close up image)
Class 1004 - A black and white photograph
Class 1005 - An image of Worcester
Class 1006 - A still life photograph
Class 1007 - 'Into the Distance' - a landscape shot
Class 1008 - 'Wildlife' - A photograph of flora or fauna in the natural environment
Class 1009 - My garden or allotment
Class 1010 - 'An Unusual Perspective'
Class 1011 - 'Something from the 90s'
Class 1012 - A photograph using differential focus
Class 1013 - A digitally manipulated photograph
Section 11 Literature - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 1101 - A poem, no more than 20 lines excluding the title.
Class 1102 - Flash Fiction! A short story no longer than 400 words excluding the title
Class 1103 - A haiku
Class 1104 - A limerick with a local theme
Class 1105 - A poem with a 90s theme
Section 12 Fun & Creativity - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 1201 - A plant growing in an unusual container (Age 4-7)
Class 1202 - A plate of 3 different vegetables or salad vegetables that you have grown (Age 4-7)
Class 1203 - A posy display of flowers in a teacup (Age 4-7)
Class 1204 - Four decorated cupcakes (Age 4-7)
Class 1205 - A painting or drawing using any medium including digital and mixed (Age 4-7)
Class 1206 - A handmade item of jewellery (Age 4-7)
Class 1207 - A handmade paper or cardboard flower (Age 4-7)
Class 1208 - A nature photograph (Age 4-7)
Class 1209 - Recreate a 3D toy or character from the 90s using any material (Age 4-7)
Class 1210 - Tell us a story using words and pictures! Write a story on an A4 page using your best handwriting. Hand drawn pictures may be included for illustration (Age 4-7)
Class 1211 - A plant growing in an unusual container (Age 8-11)
Class 1212 - A plate of 3 different vegetables or salad vegetables that you have grown (Age 8-11)
Class 1213 - A posy display of flowers in a teacup (Age 8-11)
Class 1214 - Four decorated cupcakes (Age 8-11)
Class 1215 - A painting or drawing using any medium including digital and mixed (Age 8-11)
Class 1216 - A handmade item of jewellery (Age 8-11)
Class 1217 - A handmade paper or cardboard crafted item (Age 8-11)
Class 1218 - A nature photograph (Age 8-11)
Class 1219 - Recreate a 3D toy or character from the 90s using any material (Age 8-11)
Class 1220 - Write a story about going back to the 1990s on a most excellent adventure! Think about how you travelled, what you saw, how were the 1990s compared to now? No more than 400 words, to be mounted on A4 card (Age 8-11)
Section 13 Youth Skills & Creativity - Please select the classes you wish to enter:
Class 1301 - A vase of flowers that you have grown
Class 1302 - A plant growing in an unusual container
Class 1303 - One cactus or succulent
Class 1304 - A seasonal display of three different kinds of vegetables or fruit
Class 1305 - Longest runner bean
Class 1306 - A table arrangement including a candle (unlit)
Class 1307 - A pressed flower display
Class 1308 - One Victoria sandwich cake (raspberry jam filling, caster sugar dusting and using a sponge tin no larger than 200mm diameter). Recipe to be stated. (250mm max overall display size)
Class 1309 - Six decorated cup cakes (to be judged on both taste and decoration)
Class 1310 - Any savoury bake
Class 1311 - Any jam (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz))
Class 1312 - Any preserved vegetable (could include pickled, fermented or chutneys)
Class 1313 - A painting using any single medium (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 1314 - A painting or collage using any mixed media (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame)
Class 1315 - A cartoon or anime, to include a strip or individual image
Class 1316 - A Sculpture, any medium (base not to exceed 610mm x 610mm)
Class 1317 - Any crochet or knitted item
Class 1318 - An upcycled or embellished item of clothing
Class 1319 - Any other hand crafted item
Class 1320 - An action shot (an image capturing movement)
Class 1321 - Macro (close up image)
Class 1322 - A nature photograph
Class 1323 - An image of Worcester
Class 1324 - 'An Unusual Perspective'
Class 1325 - 'My happy place'
Class 1326 - A digitally manipulated photograph
Class 1328 - Flash Fiction! A short story no longer than 400 words excluding the title.
Class 1327 A poem, no more than 20 lines excluding the title.
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