A Worcester Show Trophy will be awarded to the entrant with the most points earned in the Youth Skills & Creativity Classes.
Download a Printable Schedule of Competition Classes
Section Rules
Please read section rules very carefully. Failure to comply may lead to disqualification.
- This Section is open to 12 to 17 year olds only
- Staging and judging for all Sections will take place on Saturday 10th August except Floral and Cacti & Succulents which will be judged on Sunday 11th August. You may stage Floral and Cacti & Succulents on either day.
- An exhibitor may enter up to two entries per class.
Y&C Floral
Class | Description |
Class 1301 | A vase of flowers that you have grown |
Class 1302 | A plant growing in an unusual container |
Floral Rules
- All exhibits must be the property of, and cultivated by, the exhibitor.
- Exhibitors must provide their own vases, pots etc.
- Pot plants must be in the ownership of the exhibitor for at least six months prior to the show.
- Pot plants may be indoor or outdoor varieties.
- Display the name of the variety of the exhibit; if the variety is unknown then the exhibit should be marked “unknown”.
- Floral Hints & Tips
Y&C Cacti & Succulents
Class | Description |
Class 1303 | One cactus or succulent |
Cacti & Succulents Rules
- All exhibits must be the property of the exhibitor for at least six months prior to the show.
- ‘Succulent’ means any succulent plant other than a cactus.
- Cacti & Succulents Hints & Tips
Y&C Vegetables & Fruit
Class | Description |
Class 1304 | A seasonal display of three different kinds of vegetables or fruit |
Vegetables & Fruits Rules
- Vegetables & Fruit will be judged as per the RHS Horticultural Show Handbook.
- Roots of non-root vegetables must be gently washed clean and should be no more than 100mm (4”) long.
- All root vegetables should be cleaned gently, with tops trimmed to no more than 75mm (3”)
- Exhibitors must provide their own plates, baskets, etc.
- Display the name of the variety of the exhibit; if the variety is unknown then the exhibit should be marked “unknown”.
- Vegetables & Fruit Hints & Tips
Y&C Giant Vegetables
Class | Description |
Class 1305 | Longest runner bean |
Giant Vegetables Rules
- All exhibits must be the property of, and cultivated by, the exhibitor.
- All giant vegetables will be weighted and measured on the day.
- Display the name of the variety of the exhibit; if the variety is unknown then the exhibit should be marked “unknown”.
- Vegetables in this section must be longer / larger than your entries in Section 12.3
- Giant Vegetables Hints & Tips
Y&C Floral Decoration/Art
Class | Description |
Class 1306 | A table arrangement including a candle (unlit) |
Class 1307 | A pressed flower display |
Floral Decorations/Art Rules
- All exhibits will be displayed on a table; table depth is approximately 610mm.
- Only completed displays to be placed on the show bench. Extra tables will be provided for
staging. - Flowers in all classes need not be grown by the exhibitor.
- Floral Decorations/Art Hints & Tips
Y&C Cakes & Bakes
Class | Description |
Class 1308 | One Victoria sandwich cake (raspberry jam filling, caster sugar dusting and using a sponge tin no larger than 200mm diameter). Recipe to be stated. (250mm max overall display size) |
Class 1309 | Six decorated cup cakes (to be judged on both taste and decoration) |
Class 1310 | New Any savoury bake |
Cakes & Bakes Rules
- All exhibits must be made by the exhibitor including homemade pastries, breads, pizza bases etc.
- Exhibitors must provide own plate and cover for exhibit (excluding jars or bottles).
- In the interests of food safety, no meat, fish or fresh cream to be used in any dish.
- Cakes & Bakes Hints & Tips
Y&C Preserves
Class | Description |
Class 1311 | Any jam (jars no smaller than 227g (8oz)) |
Class 1312 | New Any preserved vegetable (could include pickled, fermented or chutneys) |
Preserves Rules
- All exhibits must be made by the exhibitor.
- Jars may be reused but jars and lids showing trade names are not acceptable.
- All preserves must have new twist top lids or a waxed disc and cellophane cover.
- Labels should be stuck to the jar and not loose tied.
- Full date of making is required on the label.
- Preserves Hints & Tips
Y&C Art
Class | Description |
Class 1313 | A painting using any single medium (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame) |
Class 1314 | A painting or collage using any mixed media (not to exceed 610mm x 610mm including frame) |
Class 1315 | A cartoon or anime, to include a strip or individual image |
Class 1316 | A Sculpture, any medium (base not to exceed 610mm x 610mm) |
Art Rules
- All artists’ signatures must be covered for anonymous judging.
- Do not re-enter items entered in previous years.
Y&C Handicraft
Class | Description |
Class 1317 | Any crochet or knitted item |
Class 1318 | New An upcycled or embellished item of clothing |
Class 1319 | Any other hand crafted item |
Handicraft Rules
- Each exhibit will have a maximum display space of 610mm x 610mm, including the frame, unless otherwise stated.
- Do not re-enter items entered in previous years.
- Computerised work entered into Class 1219 A papercraft item, will be discounted.
- Handicraft Hints & Tips
Y&C Photography
Class | Description |
Class 1320 | An action shot (an image capturing movement) |
Class 1321 | Macro (close up image) |
Class 1322 | A nature photograph |
Class 1323 | New An image of Worcester |
Class 1324 | 'An Unusual Perspective' |
Class 1325 | 'My happy place' |
Class 1326 | A digitally manipulated photograph |
Photography Rules
- All photographs must have been taken by the exhibitor, but may have been processed etc. commercially.
- No photographs that have been entered previously will be accepted.
- For display purposes, all prints must be securely mounted on a rigid A4 (210mm x 297mm) board or pre-cut mounts with windows. No frames or folders.
- Prints may be in colour or black and white (unless otherwise stated).
- Photography Hints & Tips
Y&C Literature
Class | Description |
Class 1327 | A poem, no more than 20 lines excluding the title. |
Class 1328 | Flash Fiction! A short story no longer than 400 words excluding the title. |
Literature Rules
- All entries must be the work of the exhibitor
- For display purposes, all entries must be securely mounted on a rigid A4 (210mm x 297mm) board. No frames or folders.
- Entries may be printed or hand written.